One of the most crazy things people ask me is, “How do you do it all?” — to which I roll my eyes, and think… surely I’m not giving anyone the impression that I’m super put together and accomplishing tons of things. I’m definitely NOT doing it all. However, I’m definitely a “DOER”. I wake up in the morning with a list on my mind. I’m convinced this has everything to do with my genes, and almost nothing to do with organization.
Let me be clear — I LOVE ORGANIZATION. I’m a huge fan of it. I’m just not very good at maintaining systems for a long time. I’m just like everyone else. My organization tends to peak in January, and then usually spends the rest of the year on a slight downhill slide. It’s just life. I’m running a company (that requires a TON of organization) — I’m raising kids (more schedules & maintenance) and I’m married to a BOY (who organizes never, dusts never, and resists being organized just to drive me crazy.)
So, how do I get things done & keep it together? Well, I have help. I use a lot of tools* that make my life easier. I am constantly recreating and refining my systems. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I struggle to keep the house put together, especially on work days. I don’t get a nice dinner on the table EVERY night — although I try. I’m not immune to the pressures of comparison. I see people who are doing more with their businesses or blogs, and I get a little frustrated and wish we were further ahead in our plans and closer to our goals. I am learning to understand that we all have different cards we’re playing. I’ve got it easier than some, and harder than others. We do the best we can with what we’ve got, and we’re always trying to do better.
I think you have to accept that a certain amount of chaos, especially when you’re self-employed and raising small children is totally normal. You have to redefine what DOING IT ALL means, in the context of your own life, and your own skill set. I say all that to say… there will be anarchy. Total insanity that is just out of your control sometimes, and you just have to accept that it’s the nature of things. Don’t give up trying though. I am certainly not trying to DO IT ALL. I’m just trying to do SOMETHING positive with the time I have.
* I use a TON of different tools and organization systems for work and home. Would you guys like to hear about them?